Monday, February 02, 2004


Unbelievably, there are still many on the left who think Nader's run had no effect on the outcome of Coup 2000, including of course the megalomaniac himself. Given Nader's selfserving obstinacy about acknowledging any role, and his apparently limitless ego, it's no surprise that he's exploring another run, this time independent of the Green Party.

The Greens should be grateful. According to some observers, the Greens lost the Mayoral race in San Francisco because a number of VERY liberal Democrats have decided NEVER to vote Green again.

Some sad Nader voters, feeling guilty as they should, have come up with

Not to be outdone, the unrepentant ones have countered with Dismissive of the "blame nader" position, they continue to argue that any Democratic candidate is just "more of the same," and a progressive third party is the only honorable choice. The site founder says in a letter to Nader decrying the blame,

"I absolutely and utterly reject the contention that I bear even the slightest iota of responsibility for putting George Bush, Jr. into office, or will bear any responsibility for re-electing him. The candidate who wins my vote must EARN it, no candidate is entitled to it by merely being the lesser of two evils.

I vote FOR a candidate, not AGAINST his or her opponent."

Talk of being out of step. For those of us who accept the premise that the only honorable goal is to defeat Bush, and will indeed vote against Bush by, if necessary,picking the lesser of two weevils, this is just an insufferable self-righteous and judgmental position.

The Green party will survive their folly, but weakened and even less viable if they support this position or field a presidential candidate. Nothing, however, will change the mind of the Nader/Green zealots.

Not even this must-see video:

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